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A Generic Classification Of The Thelypteridaceae

A Generic Classification Of The Thelypteridaceae

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Authors: Susan Fawcett and Alan R. Smith

SKU: 978-1-889878-68-3
SBM: 59
ISSN: 0883-1475
UPC/ISBN: 978-1-889878-68-3

Publication Date: 11 Oct 2021
Copyright: © 2021 Susan Fawcett and Alan R. Smith
Specifications: 1 lb (450g) 7" x 10" (flexbinding), 112 pp, color photos, illustrations, references, index

*Also available as a free PDF. Please email to request a copy.*

About the Book

A Generic Classification of the Thelypteridaceae is a book that represents a major taxonomic revision involving the recircumscription of 14 genera, descriptions of four new genera and three subgenera, and 172 new nomenclatural combinations. A unified classification of the Thelypteridaceae has eluded pteridologists for decades. As the result of detailed morphological study, and with the benefit of a large phylogenomic dataset, a comprehensive classification for one of the largest fern families is now available.

About the Authors

Susan Fawcett is a National Geographic Explorer and Research Botanist at the University and Jepson Herbaria at UC Berkeley. She is a member of the faculty of the University of Michigan Biological Station, providing instruction in both botany and botanical illustration. She has conducted fieldwork in Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Fiji, Hawaii and in the continental US. She is broadly interested in systematics and floristics, with an emphasis on ferns.

Alan R. Smith is a Research Botanist (now Emeritus) in the University Herbarium at UC Berkeley, a position he has held since 1969, after completing his doctorate under John Mickel at Iowa State University on the systematics of the neotropical species of Thelypteris section Cyclosorus. He has conducted field work in Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Brazil, concentrating on floristic work on both Thelypteridaceae and grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae) for various floras, and has authored or co-authored countrywide accounts of pteridophytes of Mexico, Venezuela, and Bolivia. In 2014, he received the Asa Gray Award from the American Society of Plant Taxonomists.

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