Introduction to Plants in Central Somaliland. Hordhac ku saabsan dhirta ka baxda badhtamaha Soomaalilaand, Second Edition
Introduction to Plants in Central Somaliland. Hordhac ku saabsan dhirta ka baxda badhtamaha Soomaalilaand, Second Edition
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Introduction to Plants in Central Somaliland. Hordhac ku saabsan dhirta ka baxda badhtamaha Soomaalilaand, Second Edition
Ahmed Ibrahim Awale
Faisal Jama Gelle
Helen Pickering
ISBN: 978-1-889878-76-8
Publication Date
Copyright ©2024 Helen Pickering and the Somaliland Biodiversity Foundation
Specifications: 5.512" × 8.268", 148 pages, flex-bind, color photos throughout
Price: $29.00
About the Book
THIS BOOK is a guide for the non-specialist to some of the native and naturalized plants of Central Somaliland including the coastal plain, Golis mountains and the Hargeysa plateau. This second edition contains several additional photographs and corrects a few errors that were over-looked in the first edition.
Buuggani waxa uu hage u yahay dadka aan takhasuska gaarka ah u lahayn aqoonta dhirta ka baxda Soomaalilaand qaybaheeda kala duwan sida Xeebta, Buuraha Golis iyo Oogada Hargeysa. Daabacaaddan labaad waxa lagu soo daray sawirro dheeraad ah waxana lagu saxay khaladaad yaryar oo ku jiray daabacaaddii koowaad.
A small book but a beautiful design, stunning photos, and bilingual text will greet you on every page. This book is a guide for the non-specialist to some of the native and naturalised plants of Central Somaliland including the coastal plain, Golis mountains and the Hargeysa plateau. All sections are illustrated with high quality color images. This second edition contains several additional photographs and corrects a few errors that were overlooked in the first edition.
Waa buug kooban oo si qurxoon loo nashqadeeyey, xaashi kasta sawirro soo-jiidasho leh iyo qoraal laba af ku qoran ayaa kugu salaamaya. Buuggani waxa uu hage u yahay dadka aan takhasuska gaarka ah u lahayn aqoonta dhirta ka baxda qayb ka mid ah badhtamaha Soomaalilaand ee xerudhaladka ah ama la qabatimay dabeecadda goobaha kala duwan ee Xeebta, Buuraha Golis iyo Oogada Hargeysa. Qaybaha buugga oo dhan waxa lagu ladhay sawirro tayo sare leh. Daabacaaddan labaad waxa lagu soo daray sawirro dheeraad ah waxana lagu saxay khaladaad yaryar oo ku jiray daabacaaddii koowaad.
There is no other illustrated guide to Somaliland’s plants nor any other guide for the region in Somali, the first language of many people in Djibouti, eastern Ethiopia, Somalia, and northeastern Kenya.
Ma jiro hage sawiran oo hore loogu sameeyey dhirta Soomaalilaan iyo sidoo kale dhirta geyiga kale ee Soomaalidu degto sida Jabuuti, Bariga Itoobiya, Soomaaliya iyo Waqooyi-Bari Kiiniya.
The book starts with a short paragraph summarizing Somaliland’s recent history. This is followed by a summary of the country’s climate, landforms, and ecological zones. The 13 pages this introductory material occupies are followed by 120 pages illustrating the 150 species treated. Some accounts occupy a whole page, others only a half-page. All include at least one color photograph, a brief, non-technical description and a statement of the species’ habitat and global distribution plus two names for each species, an internationally understood scientific name, and English name, and a Somali name.
The back matter includes a few references and a glossary of almost 75 words, and an index.
About the Authors
Ahmed Ibrahim Awale is an environmentalist with more than two decades of experience. He is the chairman of the Somaliland Biodiversity Foundation, as well as Candlelight for Environment, Education and Health. He also lectures on environmental science at the University of Hargeysa, and is the author of several books including, Environment in Crisis: selected essays on the Somali environment.
Axmed Ibraahin Cawaale waa deegaanjire leh waayo’aragnimo ka badan labaatan gu’. Waxa uu Guddoomiye ka yahay Somaliland Biodiversity Foundation, iyo sidoo kale Candlelight for Environment, Education & Health. Waxa uu casharro ku saabsan deegaanka ka bixiyaa Jaamacadda Hargeysa, waana qoraaga dhowr buug oo uu ku jiro Qaylodhaan Deegaan – Curisyo xul ah.
Faisal Jama Gelle works at the University of Hargeysa where he manages the Biodiversity museum for the Somaliland Biodiversity Foundation and teaches plant taxonomy.
Faysal Jaamac Geelle wuxu ka hawl galaa Jaamacadda Hargeysa isaga oo maamula Xarunta Kalageddisnaanta Noolaha oo ay gacanta ku hayso Somaliland Biodiversity foundation, wuxu sidoo kale Jaamacadda ka bixiyaa casharrada abla’ablaynta dhirta.
Helen Pickering has published three previous photographic guides to wild flowers: in Nicaragua, Oman and the Victoria Falls.
Helen Pickering: waxa ay hore u qortay saddex buug oo ku saabsan dhirta Nikaraaguwa, Cummaan iyo harada Victoria Falls.