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Grazing Land Stewardship

Grazing Land Stewardship

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Dan Caudle & Loretta J. Metz

Britt Craven, Jr., Chris English, Jan Dean, Jimmy Greenwell, Robert Joy, Earl Spence, & Carolyn Wong-Auweola

Graphic Designer
Lorraine Colvin

Wayne Hanselka, Robert Lyons, T.D.A. Forbes, Jason C. Hohlt, Richard V. Machen, Jerry W. Stuth, & Byron D. Wright

ISBN-13: 978-1-889878-49-2

Publication Date: 2012
Copyright © Hawaii Grazing Lands Coalition
Specifications: 8.5"×11", spiral bound, 176 pp., color photos, tables, charts, references


About the Book

Grazing Land Stewardship: A Manual for Hawaii Landowners is a source of information to help landowners interpret their land and manage their natural resources to meet their objectives. This is in many respects a “how to” manual. The resources and tools found within this manual come from trained professionals that have applied these tried and true practices in the field.

The basic principles of grazing land health, ecological processes, grazing behavior, plant and animal interactions, and grazing management included in this manual are universal. The information in this book is applicable not only in Hawaii, but in most of temperate regions of the world. Discussions on planning considerations, decision making, and how to read and understand the land will be helpful to all landowners and managers who have grazing animals on their land. Whether the acreage is large or small, this book contains the basic information and practical guidelines needed to become a better manager and a good steward of grazing land resources.

Table of Contents:

FOREWORD; INTRODUCTION; GRAZING BASICS (1 The Basics of Grazing Land Health; 2 Forage Quality and Livestock Nutrition; 3 Understanding Livestock Forage Intake; 4 Forage Selection: To Eat Or Not To Eat; 5 How Grazing and Browsing Affect Plants; 6 Water and Fences Determine Grazing Success; 7 Interpreting Grazing Behavior; 8 Major Forages of Hawaii); GETTING STARTED (9 Setting Goals, Planning Strategically and Implementing Plans; 10 Reading the Land and Conducting an Inventory; 11 How Many Animals Can Be Grazed?; 12 Grazing Strategies — Each Ranch Is Unique; 13 A Checklist of Grazing Management Decisions);  FOLLOW THROUGH (14 Grazing Land Records Are Necessary; 15 Using Body Condition Scores to Manage Livestock and Grazing Lands); REFERENCES AND RESOURCES.

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